Want terrific fun with true friends who totally fake what they feel when triumph fails? Well then, friend, you need What the f? (And no, that wasn’t a question, you really do need it!).
What the f? is a brilliant card game for dirty players with dirty minds. The concept is simpler than a young Forrest Gump… the egg-timer gets flipped, a player gets asked questions, and they have to answer them. Correct answers win the player the question card, and the player with the most question cards by the time everyone can’t be bothered to carry on playing is the winner.
But, while the questions might seem simple, they can cause a player to crack under pressure harder than the English football team. (Too soon?). That being said, there’s no definite right and wrong. So, if you don’t know the answer, fake it until you make it. Bluff with bravado. As long as your mind is dirtier than a take-away kitchen and quicker than an Olympic sprinter on an energy drink high, you’ll be fine!
In a What the f? game, players decide how they answer and it’s up to other players to decide if they sound right or if their answers should be challenged. So, for a night of (absolutely 18+) bluffing and banter, be sure to get your What the f? party game today!