Feel like being an adult is getting the better of you? There’s nothing like reconnecting with a childhood friend to help you feel young again. And, we have just the friend for you: Mr. Grumpy! Catch up with him and find out how he’s doing as a grown up in Mr. Grumpy Nails Fatherhood, part of the Mr. Men for Grown-Ups series!
We all know that parenthood can turn your world upside down, but can it do the same for Mr. Grumpy’s frown? How long will it take him to realise that parenting is just like a horror movie… filled with dialogue that no one’s listening to because it’s just there to separate the scenes of stomach-churning gore (read: nappy changes) and screaming?
The Mr. Men for Grown-Ups series makes us feel better about the trials of parenting by making us feel like we’re not alone. Plus, it gives you a little hope for a light at the end of the tunnel. After all, if Mr. Grumpy can nail parenthood, you should have no trouble with it!
If you feel like you need some good substance to counter all the hollow threats you make as a parent, Mr. Grumpy Nails Fatherhood is definitely for you!